In severe renal failure, detrimental substances and excess water formed while the food is digested can not be removed and collects in the body.
Hemodialysis is a kind of treatment to remove these substances from the body.
In hemodialysis, the patient’s blood is filtered through the peritoneal membrane (dialyzer) into a special fluid passing from the other side of the membrane (dialysis solution, dialysate), thus the wastes and excess water are removed from the blood.
The patient’s blood is provided at the most by means of a fistula is made by joining one of the arterioles and one of the veins in patient’s arm. Having this fistula without needing to undergo to hemodialysis, helps patients to start to dialysis faultlessly.
Fistule operation is made by a small surgical intervention and it will be ready for use within one month. If the patients do not have a fistula, a catheter is implanted into a large vein in the neck or chest cavity, then fistula operation should be applied.
If one or more of the following indications arise or if your physician warns you after assessing your laboratory tests, it means that you are in need of dialysis.
Swellings in legs and face
Shortness of breath
Poor appetite
Weight loss
Abnormal bleeding
“Hemodialysis” and other method of dialysis, peritoneal dialysis, in which a catheter is placed into the peritoneal cavity by going to hospital or the dialysis centre once a month can be applied at home and kidney transplant help remove these indications. If you regularly consult your doctor, essential changes in your treatment will be carried out and your doctors will make the necessary recommendations.